About Us

Concerned senior citizens, along with the Hancock County Council on Aging, the Central Indiana Council on Aging, and the Interlocal Community Action Program, saw a need and were willing to devote time, funds, and creativity to see that a senior service organization was developed to meet those needs.

Established in 1978, Hancock County Senior Services provides in-home, non-medical support services to persons over the age of 60, to those with disabilities of any age, and particularly to low-income residents.

In 2005, Hancock Area Rural Transit expanded the Senior Services Transportation Program to serve county residents who are under 60 years of age. See the Services page for transportation details.

Hancock County Senior Services, Inc. is an equal employment opportunity employer.

Suzanne Derengowski – Executive Director – suzanned@hcssi.org
Loretta Dodd – Office Manager – ldodd@hcssi.org
Yvonne Hix – Home Service Coordinator – yhix@hcssi.org
Linda Horine – Transit Operations Coordinator – lhorine@hcssi.org
Betsy Bly – Program Coordinator – bbly@hcssi.org
Kira Haney – Office Assistant
Della Suits – Dispatcher
Julia Glass – Transit Assistant

Executive Board
Fred Wright, Chair

Sally Brown, Vice Chair
Kim Lozier, Secretary
Jordyn Kramer, Treasurer

Jinx Oberly, Immediate Past Chair

Ron Anderson
Steven Emmons
Maggie Klare
Elizabeth Preston
Kaaron Spotts